Thursday, May 17, 2018
As If We Needed More Evidence
I'll let the writer explain this one...
On the American Spectator website, Larry Thornberry tells us all about this:
"The latest example of administrative overreaction and incoherence comes from New Haven, Connecticut, where police were called when a student at Jepsen Magnet School made a likeness of an AR-15 out of Legos. A pretty good likeness, which, it is reported, he pointed at classmates. In more sensible times this example of typical and harmless boy behavior would have been handled by the teacher, in her best command voice, demanding, 'SKYLAR! (Not the kid’s name in this case.) Sit down right now and dismantle that thing or you’ll be staying after school until you’re old enough to vote.' Skylar would have complied, though perhaps with minimal enthusiasm. End of problem.
But now, in our frenzied, post-common-sense state, we’ve modified Newton’s Third Law to read: 'For every action there is an unequal and opposite overreaction.' So local police were called to deal with a matter previous generations of teachers would have handled themselves without breaking a sweat. It makes one wonder. Had this student pulled the hair of the girl sitting in front of him in class, who would have been called? The 82ndAirborne? Seal Team 6? The Foreign Legion? The League of Women Voters?
News reports don’t say who overreacted and called in the fuzz."