Thursday, April 19, 2018
Bigshot Catholic Cardinal May Be Signaling Catholics' Drift from Democrats
Not surprising that it might be happening; however, a bit surprising that a Catholic Cardinal is willing to say it...
At, Mark Wauck recently offered his thoughts beginning with this:
"Last Thursday Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York penned an essay in the Wall Street Journal.
The title of the essay, and its subtitle, tells you pretty much all you need to know if you don't subscribe: 'The Democrats Abandon Catholics: If you value religious education or life's sanctity, you're not welcome in the party.' This is a far more political statement, in an overtly partisan way, than we're used to seeing from the U.S. Catholic bishops, so what's going on here? For starters, it's helpful to ask: who would have been pleased by this essay, and who would have been...well, let's say displeased? Let's see...displeased? The Democratic Party – that's a no-brainer. They just lost a presidential election because they lost the heavily Catholic Reagan Democrats in the Midwest. This won't help – not in 2018, not in 2020."