Thursday, March 08, 2018
Sweden Democrats Refute PM's 'No Go Zone' Denial as 'Fake News'
At, Raheem Kassam reports on that "other" view:
"But Jimmie Akesson — leader of the insurgent Sweden Democrats — told Breitbart London this evening:
The Prime Minister’s statement is simply not true. We have re-occurring incidences of cancelled bus lines in fear of entering certain immigrant heavy areas, frequent attacks on emergency vehicles, oftentimes lured in there by fake 911 calls for the sole purpose of attacking the emergency personnel, and even reluctance in simple services such as delivering mail or investigating illegal television/cable services. In some areas self-appointed sharia police patrol the streets enforcing dress-code rules and proper Islamic behaviours.
Akesson added: 'The police themselves have confirmed the existence of no go zones for the entire world to see. The statements of the Prime Minister is nothing short of a classic example of fake news.'"
And apparently, the Prime Minister doesn't read his own country's news...
I found this on the Gateway Pundit website:
"Danish reporter Jeppe Juhl from Newsspeek TV described the deteriorating situation in Sweden, a once peaceful country that now is regarded as the rape capital of the West.
According to Jeppe, Sweden now has 53 no-go zones where police will not enter without backup and often wear bulletproof vests. The same policies are apply to ambulance drivers and firemen."