Wednesday, March 07, 2018
Obama’s Secret M.I.T. Talk
At, Melissa Mackenzie recently wrote about it:
"Reason Magazine received a recording of the event but they’re not giving away their sources. The media and speech goers were told that they would never again receive access. These sycophants or cowards, choose one, didn’t give up their names, just the content.
'On Friday, former President Barack Obama spoke for an hour to an audience of hundreds of people at a major sports policy conference at MIT, but his remarks were off-the-record and kept completely secret by virtually all attendees, who had to agree that they would not record, photograph, tweet, or report on the event before being granted a seat in the audience. Reason obtained a recording of the speech, however, and the most newsworthy thing about it is the simple fact that the public wasn’t supposed to hear it.'
Who, from the media, attended and complied with the diktats of His Royal Highness Barack Obama? There should be a list made of these organizations."