Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Feds planned to charge Gardens teen for international school threats
This was reported by Hannah Winston in the Palm Beach Post:
"Initially, the FBI did not want to charge Johnson because he was a juvenile and 'believed a redirection approach would be the most beneficial regarding his conduct.' So in March 2017, the FBI got consent to 'mirror' Johnson’s computer activity.
Additionally, they spoke with the teen —who denied any affiliation with ISIS — and told him 'to cease all social media activities related to ISIS and any other terrorist organization' and have no further contact with the Catholic high school in England, the report said.
By the summer of 2017, the FBI said Johnson was back to making more online posts and that they were working to bring official charges against him, according to the police report.
In February, the FBI said it had all the evidence it needed and that an assistant U.S. attorney had probable cause to charge Johnson.
On March 5, Jupiter police checked in with the FBI to see where they were with the federal charges and the agent said the affidavits would be 'coming in the next several weeks.'
A week later, Johnson was in jail for the fatal stabbing in Palm Beach Gardens."