Tuesday, February 06, 2018
K-12: Patterns of Deception
Well, it's my opinion it is well-intended, but failing our children.
I doubt it would pass a results based evaluation, conducted by an external third-party...
Bruce Deitrick Price recently wrote about it at AmericanThinker.com:
"...The Education Establishment in this country starts off each school year with a barrage of lies, pretending to care about children, country, literacy, and all those good things. In practice, however, their main goal seems to be dumbing down the population. They need to keep lying each time they speak. Bad ideas must be constantly protected by a phalanx of lies. The surfeit of deception makes it difficult for society to correct its mistakes. The only recourse for individual citizens is to learn more about each problem so they can try to fix it. Our public school system has become detached from reality, ..."