Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Why is the Black Caucus Trying to Oust Trump
On the Investment Watch blog, MarkAngelides discusses the Congressional Black Caucus:
"The Congressional Black Caucus (a group of 48) has become the front running group in calls for impeaching President Trump. With media reporting near constantly that the president is a racist, it is to be expected that a few folk fall for it, but for elected politicians to bury into this seems a tad ridiculous. Is there a deeper motive behind their strengthening opposition?
The black unemployment rate has dropped to a level that (if it continues) will eventually be at the same rate as the rest of America. Jobs are coming back to the U.S., the economy is looking strong and the prospects for American workers are looking pretty good. Is it possible that the Black Caucus is worried that they may no longer be relevant?"
Court: Elephants Are Not People | The Daily Caller
Tim Pearce recently reported on it at
"'[Elephants] have a sense of self, remember the past and plan for the future, engage in complex communication, show empathy, and mourn their dead,' the activist suit said. Bentigna dismissed the case as 'wholly frivolous on its face in legal terms.'"
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
The Liberal Exploitation Machine Is Rolling
Derek Hunter included this wisdom in the article he posted at
"Someone should, at the appropriate time, educate these kids, and all kids, about the concept of fundamental, unalienable rights and the fact that the Constitution does not grant rights, it protects rights with which we were born from government infringement. That we punish individuals for their actions, not everyone else because someone did something evil. That government has very specific powers, not rights, that rights are reserved for individuals. If it were otherwise, any right they do like could be taken away by people like the very politicians they now wrongfully blame for the horrors they went through."
RUBBISH! - Willamette Week
It is different for sure...
It comes from Chris Lydgate and Nick Budnick and was posted on the Williamette Week, a Portland Oregon website:
"It's past midnight. Over the whump of the wipers and the screech of the fan belt, we lurch through the side streets of Southeast Portland in a battered white van, double-checking our toolkit: flashlight, binoculars, duct tape, scissors, watch caps, rawhide gloves, vinyl gloves, latex gloves, trash bags, 30-gallon can, tarpaulins, Sharpie, notebook--notebook? Well, yes. Technically, this is a journalistic exercise--at least, that's what we keep telling ourselves. We're upholding our sacred trust as representatives of the Fourth Estate. Comforting the afflicted, afflicting the comfortable.Pushing the reportorial envelope--by liberating the trash of Portland's top brass. We didn't dream up this idea on our own. We got our inspiration from the Portland police."
Monday, February 26, 2018
Surprise, Guess Who Is More Popular Than Obama?
This is part of Jeff Crouere's recent article at
"With such hatred toward the President, it must be especially upsetting for his critics to see the recent upsurge in his approval rating. In the latest Rasmussen survey, President Trump registered a strong 50% approval rating, his highest level of support since June of last year.
At this point in his administration, Barack Obama had only a 45% approval rating. Incredibly, Trump with almost universal media condemnation is more popular than Obama, who received undying adulation and praise from the press."
"Research Guru saw Trump phenomenon coming before anyone else"
At, William A. Jacobson recently asked what she sees about America's future:
"You predicted Trump more than two years ago. What’s your next prediction?"
Sunday, February 25, 2018
2018-02-25 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, February 24, 2018
"investigating Broward and Miami-Dade school policies"
As a workaround, Twitter users often create multiple posts in order to express lengthy thoughts.
The "threadreader" app allows easier reading of those multiple posts...
Linked here is Twitter user's @TheLastRefuge2 beginning of a string of 37+ posts discussing that user's previous experience and knowledge:
2. I spent about 18 months in 2012, 2013 and 2014 investigating Broward and Miami-Dade school policies and how those policies transfer to law enforcement practices.
3. My interest was initially accidental. I discovered an untold story of massive scale and consequence as a result of initial research into Trayvon Martin and his High School life.
4. What I stumbled upon was a Broward County law enforcement system in a state of conflict. The Broward County School Board and District Superintendent, entered into a political agreement with Broward County Law enforcement officials to stop arresting students for crimes.
Student investigated after allegedly saying a math symbol looked - | Continuous News Coverage | Acadiana-Lafayette
Just wondering if you saw this?...
I found this story on the website:
"On Tuesday afternoon, Allen Parish Sheriff's Office deputies investigated an allegation of terrorist threats at Oberlin High School, according to the department's Facebook page. The investigation revealed that a student was completing a math problem and drew the sign for square root. Deputies say another student made a comment that the symbol looked like a gun and several other students made similar comments. According to investigators, the comment made by the student in question "\'could' sound like a threat when taken out of context."
Friday, February 23, 2018
Why I Quit Teaching
This writer seems to have experienced what I see, hear, and read about...
At, David Solway recently described what led him to this:
"For myself, those days are over. I'm committed to writing in the study rather than teaching in the classroom. The pressures that impinge are my own, and I don't have to deal with the incompetent and corrupt, at the cost of my integrity, such as it is, and of my well-being. True, writing may turn out to be as ineffective as teaching. But one thing is for sure. I can no longer be part of the decrepit circus that now passes for established education."
"If Corn Pops are Racist, What About Cocoa Puffs or Count Chocula?"
Todd Starnes wrote at about it:
"Folks, the country has gone plumb nuts. The notion that a major American company was forced to apologize after somebody got their flakes frosted by a cartoon corn kernel demonstrates just how perpetually offended and overly sensitive we've become."
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Can't Anyone Take a Joke?
That being said, many others can't or don't want to because it can be "used" for their own purposes...
At, Steve Feinstein recently shared this story and made some astute observations:
"A few days ago, he made an on-air a quip in which he mimicked the stereotypical speaking style of a foreign ethnic group. It was a joke, the kind of thing every one of us has done a thousand times, in reference to any one of a dozen or two well known ethnic and national groups.
Well, apparently, in this highly charged, 'everyone's a victim,' incredibly thin-skinned, and humorless environment in which we all now live, it wasn't a joke. It was a heinous personal crime, betraying a shocking lack of sensitivity and cultural awareness on the part of the 'joke'-teller, injurious to the self-image of the target group to an irreversible degree. The morally indignant brigade struck with Blitzkrieg-like (I probably can't say that, either) suddenness and fury: no fewer than three very high-profile sponsors immediately – and publicly – announced that they were pulling their advertising from the station. The station, trying desperately to get in front of what could be a P.R. disaster, instantly issued a public apology on all fronts – on-air, on social media, and on its website. And of course, they wasted no time announcing that the offending on-air host was suspended at once without pay, pending further investigation – with the implication that a firing was imminent."
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
The 6 Big Ways Liberals Are Destroying America’s Culture
I'm pretty sure we all realize this; however, a review of what's known can insure it stays in our memories...
This is from John Hawkins' recently posted article at
"There was a time when we used to be a nation that pushed freedom, responsibility, decency, patriotism and hard work. Some of us still believe in those things, but because of liberalism, much more destructive values have seeped into our culture like toxic waste. There are many ways that liberals have degraded our culture, but these are the worst of the worst."
New Years 2018 | A.F. Branco | Conservative Cartoon
A. F. Branco does cartoons at
"Like he never even happened"
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
This President’s Day, how does Trump rate among the greats?
One year in, and likely seven more to go...
On website,Jen Kerns recently wrote about this:
"Trump’s first year in office has not only been stellar — it has surprised many, including the most hardened lefties.
Even republicans who haven’t been fans give him credit for potentially being 'the most successful first-year president of all time' in terms of his performance as well as keeping his campaign promises.
In terms of delivering economic success, Trump is already one of the most successful — if not the most successful."
Ohio Appeals Court Says Speed Trap Town Must Pay Back $3 Million In Unconstitutional Speed Camera Tickets
I found this story at
"This is the end of six year legal battle over New Miami's speed cameras. The lower court had problems with the lack of options made available to ticket recipients to challenge speeding tickets. It also had problems with New Miami's cozy relationship with the speed camera company, which provided free cameras in exchange for a percentage of collected fines. This fostered an unhealthy relationship between the two, leading to the town becoming most famous for being a speed trap. The company saddled New Miami with a minimum of 100 operating hours per camera each month. This led to spike in tickets and a healthy thirst for continual cash infusions on the part of New Miami's governance."
Monday, February 19, 2018
7 Simple Steps to Eliminate School Shootings Overnight
At, Kevin McCullough presents some ideas:
"With very little expertise, but with a robust research ability, my staff and I began looking at this issue this week from the perspective of what could be done that would be tangible, but also acceptable to both sides of the discussion. Here’s seven simple steps that can and should be implemented overnight across the country and in similar fashion school shootings would be eliminated. This list is not exhaustive but is a starting point where good-willed people can come together to make a significant difference now."
What Do William Shatner, Gun Control and Barack Obama Have In Common?
I found this old one minute video at
"A snippet from the TV show "Boston Legal"
Sunday, February 18, 2018
2018-02-18 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, February 17, 2018
ICE arrests 212 illegals, targets 122 businesses in LA sweep
According to Stephen Dinan at the Washington Times:
"Federal deportation officers staged one of the biggest enforcement actions in years against businesses in Los Angeles this week, arresting 212 people and serving audit notices to 122 businesses who will have to prove they aren’t hiring illegal immigrants.
Nearly all of those arrested were convicted criminals, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.ICE said it targeted Los Angeles because it’s a sanctuary city, meaning it refuses to fully cooperate with federal authorities on deportations from within its jails.That means agents and officers have to go out into the community, said Thomas D. Homan, the agency’s deputy director."
The 40 Iron Laws of Politics in America - John Hawkins
Some time ago, I saw this post by John Hawkins at They are his:
"40 Iron Laws of Politics in America"
Friday, February 16, 2018
Will City Voters Roll Back Minimum-Wage Hike?
It is my opinion that government mandated minimum wage increases are a "feel good" progressive idea with repercussions that do more harm than good...
At, Steven Greenhut seems to be on that same page:
"In the 72,000-population northern Arizona city of Flagstaff, voters in November 2016 approved a measure that raises the minimum wage to $12.50 an hour this year — and to $15 an hour by 2021. The City Council slowed implementation, but boosted the wage to $15.50 by 2022. That the local economy might not sustain such raises isn’t much of a concern to supporters.
Fortunately, a recent court ruling will allow local voters in the November 2018 election to consider a repeal of the wage hikes. But the fracas gained national attention shortly after the law was passed because, in the words of one resident quoted by the Associated Press, it had set the community 'at each other’s throats.' Tensions are still high as the matter continues to dominate local politics. That’s what happens when economic opportunity is viewed as a zero-sum game, and when government decides what private businesses must pay their employees."
Had 'News' Media Done Its Job, Obama Would Not Have Become President
Their biased reporting (and non-reporting) shows up every day.
They echo each other's inaccuracies and rarely admit their errors...
In this Townhall post, Larry Elder discusses their "look the other way" treatment of Barack Obama:
"Harvard Law School professor emeritus and lifelong liberal Alan Dershowitz says he would not have campaigned for Obama had he been aware of this photograph. Dershowitz says: 'Louis Farrakhan is a virulent anti-Semite. He's called Judaism a 'gutter religion.' He's anti-American. He is a horrible, horrible human being'.
'And if I had known that the President had posed smilingly with (Farrakhan) when he was a senator, I would not have campaigned for Barack Obama. It would have influenced my decision. Look, I threatened to leave the Democratic Party if Keith Ellison were elected as chairman because of his association with Farrakhan. You don't associate with a bigot. You don't associate with an anti-Semite.'
The suppression of the Obama-Farrakhan photo is just the latest example of the degree to which Obama benefited from extraordinarily special treatment."
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Obama -- Leader of the Deep State Coup
The premise of articles like this is becoming VERY difficult to dispute...
At, Daniel John Sobieski closes his posted article with this:
"As some have suggested, this is Watergate on steroids. Not only do we have one party colluding with government agencies to keep its candidate from being prosecuted for her crimes and preventing the election of the other party’s candidate, but we also have a sitting and corrupt President using the powers of his office to subvert an election and hand-pick his successor.
Lock her up. Lock him up too. Lock them all up."
The 'Swamp' Trump Is Trying To Drain Isn't Really A Swamp — It's An Ocean
Some of the things discussed in this opinion article are truly mind-boggling:
"And who knew bureaucrats came in so many varieties? As the study shows, the government has some 579 separate job titles, "ranging from 'Book Binding' to 'Zoology'.
Some job categories are quite numerous. For instance, the study counts 35,000 lawyers, although just a third of them work for the Justice Department."
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Utah elementary school tells students they must 'say yes' when asked to dance at Valentine's Day party
Nicole Darrah reported on this at
"Natalie Richard, whose daughter is in sixth grade at Kanesville Elementary School in Weber County, told Fox 13 Salt Lake City that she was shocked to hear her child tell her she couldn’t tell a fellow student 'no' if he asked her to dance at the upcoming event."
EPA: “Roundup Not Carcinogenic” — MSM Silent
On the WattsUpWithThat website, Kip Hansen recently reported on this:
"For cancer descriptors, the available data and weight-of-evidence clearly do not support the descriptors 'carcinogenic to humans', 'likely to be carcinogenic to humans', or 'inadequate information to assess carcinogenic potential'. For the “suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential” descriptor, considerations could be looked at in isolation; however, following a thorough integrative weight-of-evidence evaluation of the available data, the database would not support this cancer descriptor. The strongest support is for 'not likely to be carcinogenic to humans'."
Kissinger: Trump's Foreign Policy Style Is 'Remarkable and New... People Need to Open Their Eyes'
At, Dick Morris has reported this and more:
"Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger gives us a new understanding of President Donald Trump’s foreign policy and predicts its success: 'Liberals and all those who favor (Hillary) Clinton will never admit it. They will never admit that he is the one true leader. The man is doing changes like never before and does all of it for the sake of this nation’s people. After eight years of tyranny, we finally see a difference.' Then he goes on to explain how Trump is making it happen."
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Trump Budget Would Swap Food Stamps for ‘100% American’ Food Packages - Bloomberg
On the website, Alan Bjerga reported on this:
"In what would be one of the biggest shakeups of the U.S. food-stamp program in its five-decade history, President Donald Trump is proposing to slash cash payments and substitute them with '100 percent American grown food' given to recipients.
The changes, outlined Monday in Trump’s budget proposal, would reshape the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, which supports roughly one in eight Americans, by reducing cash spending by about one-third from current levels.
The plan is part of an effort to reform SNAP and save a projected $214 billion over a decade. "
Liberal Activist Is Brutally Raped in Haiti by a Black Man - Blames White Men
On theGatewayPundit website, Jim Hoft recently reported on this:
"Liberal activist Amanda Kijera traveled to Haiti on a mission to prove that the portrayal of black men as 'savages' was not accurate. Kijera was brutally raped. Of course, she blamed the white man for the violence."
How Regulations Made California's Fires Worse
And clearly, politics often gets in the way of getting things done...
In his post at, Richard Zuber explains what has happened in California:
"According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), shrubs and live and dead vegetation are the most important factor in forest fires, being an easily ignitable fuel source that helps spread the flames quickly over vast distances. For a dry and warm state prone to fires, regular clearing measures removing this vegetation should be common sense. However, California has enacted several laws that heavily restrict such vital fire-preventing measures as logging, removal of dead trees, and clearing of dry underbrush.
During a congressional hearing in May, California congressman Tom McClintock; blasted environmentalists for having fervently opposed such measures since the early 1970s. Instead, they have been advocating that forests be left to their own devices – despite the fact that thousands of years of history shows that forests need to be appropriately maintained in order to reap all their benefits and reduce the risk of fires. This understanding of the environment has too often been trumped by politics in California."
Monday, February 12, 2018
Trump administration yanks funding for “Climate-Related Fellowships”
That being said, I do think the world of climate science investigation has become a "gravy train" of sorts...
Anthony Watts wrote about it on his "Watts Up With That" blog:
"This past August, Travis learned that her fellowship offer had been rescinded because of budget cuts. 'This was the first grant I wrote myself,' she said. 'It was really validating for me to be selected, which is why it’s so crushing that the program ended up the way it did.'
Three other scientists chosen for the fellowships also found their offers revoked. With only four fellows ultimately accepted in 2017, the prestigious program is now funding fewer researchers than it ever has since it was launched in 1991. At least two other postdoctoral fellowship programs in the United States for climate scientists have also been defunded or put on hold, giving young climate scientists fewer options for continuing their careers."
FBI agents are ready to revolt over the cozy Clinton probe
Paul Sperry recently wrote about it in the New York Post:
"Feeling the heat from congressional critics, Comey last week argued that the case was investigated by career FBI agents, 'So if I blew it, they blew it, too.' But agents say Comey tied investigators’ hands by agreeing to unheard-of ground rules and other demands by the lawyers for Clinton and her aides that limited their investigation.
'In my 25 years with the bureau, I never had any ground rules in my interviews,' said retired agent Dennis V. Hughes, the first chief of the FBI’s computer investigations unit. Instead of going to prosecutors and insisting on using grand jury leverage to compel testimony and seize evidence, Comey allowed immunity for several key witnesses, including potential targets."
RNC Just Blew Through an All-Time Fundraising Record
Remember, the media is spinning a "wave" election favoring the Democrats...
Katie Pavlich wrote about it at
"The RNC continues to hammer the DNC, which is in disarray in terms of funding and personnel.
RNC vs DNC in 2017:
RNC more than doubled the DNC: $132.5M vs. $65.9M
RNC has six times more cash on hand than the DNC
RNC has $38.8M net cash, DNC has $423K
RNC has $0 debt, DNC has $6.1M
In fact, things are so bad the DNC is on the verge of insolvency."
Sunday, February 11, 2018
2018-02-11 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Wikileaks Reveals All the Journalists Who Schmoozed With Clinton Campaign
You probably recognize the names, and entertain this thought: How in the world did Donald Trump overcome ALL of this opposition and bias, and WIN?
The answer: WE THE PEOPLE!...
The answer: WE THE PEOPLE!...
This article by Brian McNicoll was posted on the Accuracy in Media website. He begins:
"It’s not news mainstream media lined up en masse behind Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential campaign, but it is worth noting how many in the media were willing to compromise their ability to report fairly on the election by connecting themselves to her campaign.
At least 65 prominent mainstream media personalities were participating in dinners, cocktail receptions and other functions, according to an analysis of material exposed by Wikileaks. The events were held ostensibly to make them feel like insiders to the campaign and promoters of its objectives."
Just In Case You Missed It
Friday, February 09, 2018
With Enemies Like This, Donald Trump Doesn't Need Friends
At, Kurt Schlichter writes this and more:
"Whap! That’s the sound of the Democrats stepping on another rake. Is a parade a good idea? A bad idea? Irrelevant! It’s a hilarious idea, because when this idea erupted on social media, it was absolutely certain that the liberals would immediately take a position that required them to say, “No, we should totally not honor our troops.” Oh, I’m sure they’ve got plenty of nuance to that position – my favorite is their newfound concern about spending – but at the end of the day the message is clear. Trump wants to honor the troops, and the Democrats don’t."
Journalists justify their purchase of Twitter followers
It was stupid and frivolous then, just as this is now.
Oh! It's the media...
On the website, Leslie Eastman recently reported about this:
"Too perfect! #FakeFollowers to go with the #FakeNews. New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneidermanon opened an investigation into a fake follower production firm, which created some accounts by copying real users’ personal information."
Fake News Flashback: CNN Declared Trump ‘Bonkers’ for Saying Clinton, Dems Behind Dossier
John Nolte, writing at, reminds us of this "fake news":
"Writing for the far-left CNN back in October, Chris Cillizza declared President Donald Trump 'bonkers' and 'crazy' for suggesting what turned out to be 100 percent true: that the Democrats, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, and Russia, were all behind what is known as the 'Russian dossier.'"
Thursday, February 08, 2018
Armed officers posted outside Malm� police stations - The Local
I found this on the Swedish website, www/
"Officers armed with Heckler Koch MP5 machine guns have been stationed outside two police stations in Malmö in a move intended to ward off 'vengeance attacks' from criminals."
Roy Exum: James Anderson’s Letter -
At, Roy Exum thinks we'll like this:
"James Anderson, a gentleman of the South from Talladega, Ala., has written a list of 'The 12 Reasons I Voted Democratic' and, after it appeared in the Scottsboro (Ala.) Daily Sentinel last Saturday, it was sent to me by a dear friend who has the same leanings. It is with devilish delight I pass it along for your perusal."
Internet "bots" - And now you know
Here's an example a poster on Reddit wants us to see...
Wednesday, February 07, 2018
77 Northern California businesses raided by ICE - ABC15 Arizona
Zac Self reported on this occurrence on the ABC15-Arizona website:
"SAN FRANCISCO – Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided 77 business in the Bay Area throughout the week, according to KRON. A statement released by ICE said the raids happened between January 29 and January 31. The raids happened in the San Jose, San Francisco and Sacramento areas.
A list of locations raided has yet to be released.
RELATED: ICE will soon have access to a national database of license plate numbers
Read the full statement from ICE below:"
Donald Trump interview 1980 (Rona Barrett) [Reelin' In The Years Archives]
Tuesday, February 06, 2018
K-12: Patterns of Deception
Well, it's my opinion it is well-intended, but failing our children.
I doubt it would pass a results based evaluation, conducted by an external third-party...
Bruce Deitrick Price recently wrote about it at
"...The Education Establishment in this country starts off each school year with a barrage of lies, pretending to care about children, country, literacy, and all those good things. In practice, however, their main goal seems to be dumbing down the population. They need to keep lying each time they speak. Bad ideas must be constantly protected by a phalanx of lies. The surfeit of deception makes it difficult for society to correct its mistakes. The only recourse for individual citizens is to learn more about each problem so they can try to fix it. Our public school system has become detached from reality, ..."
Disabilities R Us
At, David Solway recently shared what he has discovered:
"I have recently examined an accommodation document issued by a university, which I won't name. The data are stunning. Student A requires extended time for assignments and exams. Student B requires a word-processor with spell- and grammar-checker. Student C must not write more than one exam per day. Student D requires one day between exams. Student E requires 'mind maps' (i.e., cheat sheets). Student F needs N.C. (noise-canceling) headphones to prevent distraction. And so on all the way down the alphabet. Indeed, even as I write, a professor at the University of Guelph has been suspended for allegedly chastising an anxiety-disability student.
There are at least six obvious problems with the disability regime of the modern university, listed here in random fashion."
Monday, February 05, 2018
16 Bombshells in the Nunes Memo the Media Do Not Want You to Know About
Here's a commentary about what's really going on...
At, John Nolte explains:
"In its partisan zeal to protect the ongoing witch hunt against President Trump, our Nixonian media went into hyper-drive last week to ensure that the unethical and un-American behavior of President Obama’s FBI and Justice Department remained covered up from the public.
After this cynical effort failed with the release of the Nunes memo Friday, the media quickly switched tactics and is now working feverishly to muddy the waters about the horror show revealed in the memo.
To begin with, it is obvious that a hysterical talking point about declaring the release of the memo a 'Constitutional Crisis' has been spread far and wide… Naturally, the 'constitutional crisis' in question is not the wrongdoing committed by federal law enforcement. Instead, because we are now deep within the head of the media’s fabricated reality where wrong is right and up is down, the 'constitutional crisis' is that government wrongdoing was uncovered."
Why the CDC Director Abruptly Resigned - Leah Barkoukis
This seems to be an optics issue.
See what you think...
At, Leah Barkoukis reported on this:
"'This morning Secretary [Alex] Azar accepted Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald’s resignation as Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,' the Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement."
Sunday, February 04, 2018
2018-02-04 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, February 03, 2018
Here’s What We Know Now That The Memo Is Public
David Blackmon summarizes "the memo" on his blog:
"Now that we’ve finally been able to read and analyze it, here’s what the FISA Abuse Memo reveals beyond any doubt:"
President Trump Job Approval - Economy
I found this at
"RCP Poll Average President Trump Job Approval - Economy"
Friday, February 02, 2018
Trump’s Tour de Force
President Trump KNOWS how to do it...
On the American Thinker website, Janice Shaw Crouse discusses President Trump's SOTU speech. She closes with this:
"My undergrad and graduate degrees are in rhetoric, public address, debate and communication. I served as a Presidential Speechwriter for Bush 41. I have analyzed and written numerous presidential addresses -- both historical and contemporary. Trump’s First State of the Union is one of the best I’ve ever seen, both in content and delivery. In contrast, the Democrats’ behavior in the audience may be the most reprehensible I’ve ever seen."
CNN Political 'Expert' Fact-Checks Trump on National Motto -- and Gets It Horribly Wrong
At, John Nolte calls attention to this one:
"Karem is not alone in his ignorance.
In 2010, while speaking at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta, President Obama misinformed his audience with this: ''I believe that the history of both America and Indonesia should give us hope. It is a story written into our national mottos. In the United States, our motto is E pluribus unum — out of many, one.'
After Obama’s flub, in November of 2011, by a vote of 396 to 9, the House of Representatives again reaffirmed that the official U.S. national motto is 'In God We Trust.'
This might seem like a small mistake on the part of a man sold to us by the far-left CNN as a political 'expert,' but if CNN staffers are in such a partisan rush to get the small and seemingly inconsequential things wrong, imagine the fake news CNN’s personnel spreads about things that actually matter."
New Jersey Middle School Instructs Students Islam Is the “True Faith” – Thomas More Law Center Files Federal Lawsuit [Must See Video]
There are bad things going on in school systems across America...
The website reported on this one and it taking court action:
"The lawsuit, claiming several violations of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, was filed on behalf of Libby Hilsenrath and her minor son. Seventh-grade students at Chatham Middle School were forced to endure Islamic propaganda and an explicit call to convert to Islam through a disturbing set of videos in their World Cultures and Geography class.
TMLC’s affiliated New Jersey attorney, Michael Hrycak, filed the lawsuit. TMLC staff attorney, Kate Oliveri, the principle drafter of the federal complaint, observed: “The Board of Education and other Defendants are waging a war against the religious protections afforded by the First Amendment. They attack religious liberty by enticing young school children with a direct call to convert to Islam and providing a step-by-step guide on how to effect that conversion.”One of the videos, linked in this press release, seeks to convert students to Islam and is filled with the Islamic religious beliefs presented as facts, as well as pure Islamic propaganda. This five-minute video ends with the prayer “May God help us all find the true faith, Islam.Ameen.” "
Thursday, February 01, 2018
Islington triple killer admits murdering former partner
Richard Spillett recently posted this story in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"64-year-old has twice been convicted of manslaughter over other killings But he was free to kill his ex-partner in a savage attack in north London He admitted murder at the start of his trial today and faces a life sentence Killer was freed from a secure unit two years into his second stint behind bars"
Labor Unions Freak Over Janus v. AFSCME | The Daily Caller
Jeff Rhodes wrote about it on the Daily Caller website:
"With the U.S. Supreme Court less than a month away from considering oral arguments in Janus v. AFSCME, it’s time to brace for the landslide of union misinformation certain to begin cascading down the mountains of truth any day now.
The plaintiffs in Janus argue mandatory union participation is unconstitutional because it abridges their First Amendment rights of free speech and free association to have any money at all– including dues, agency fees, representation fees, etc. — deducted from their paychecks to support the activities of a private, nakedly political machine whose ideals they may loathe."