Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Paris Flooding, Again | Watts Up With That?
In my opinion, most are "boy that cried wolf" stories that weaken every one of those arguments...
In this article about Paris flooding, Kip Hansen's guest post in the Watts Up With That website tells us what is really going on:
"We see once more that the efforts to control great rivers and put them solely to our own purposes leads to unforeseen, or at least, unacknowledged, problems.
The upriver dams, used to store water against the dryer summers, to maintain river levels appropriate for shipping, are allowed to fill in the Spring, find themselves nearly full — and if late summer rains come, there is nowhere to store the resultant excessive river flow — floods start upstream and spread down the river to Paris.
We see this same pattern with the great rivers of the American Midwest — the Mississippi and the Missouri."