Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Illegals in California with Driver's Licenses Eligible to Vote After April 1
Peter Barry Chowka reports on this at AmericanThinker.com:
"Starting on April 1, 2018, illegal aliens in California who have recently obtained state driver's licenses legally, or obtained them previously by lying about their immigration status, will automatically be registered to vote. Since January 2015, according to the California DMV, A.B. 60, a law passed by the California Assembly, 'allows illegal immigrants to the United States to apply for a California driver's license with the CA Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)' [emphasis original]. As of December 2016, more than 800,000 California driver's licenses were issued to illegal aliens under the A.B. 60 law. Additional thousands of illegals may have been granted licenses prior to 2015 because they lied on their driver's license application forms and claimed they were in the country legally. (No proof of legal residence has been required by the California DMV in recent years.)"