Friday, December 01, 2017
The media are playing checkers while Trump plays 3-D chess
I'd actually say 3-D chess is not nearly adequate to describe President Trump.
It becomes clearer every day that President Trump's attributes, energy, and resolve, are an exact fit to fix almost everything in the world that has gone astray over time...
It becomes clearer every day that President Trump's attributes, energy, and resolve, are an exact fit to fix almost everything in the world that has gone astray over time...
At, Patricia McCarthy has come to this conclusion:
"They still don't get that Trump is smarter than the lot of them. They think that because he does not speak as they do, because his sentence structure is unlike their own, he must be stupid. They are slow learners. He has been in office nearly a year now and has accomplished quite a lot despite all the bipartisan efforts to sabotage his agenda. Unemployment is down, food stamp use is down, consumer confidence is high, and the stock market is roaring in contradiction to all the lefty talking heads who said it would crater. Wages are coming up, and the economy is growing faster than any time in the last eleven years. Not bad for a man hit with slings and arrows all day, every day.
The progressive left can talk about impeachment all it wants, but Trump's support is growing as people feel his success in their own towns and homes. The rest of us are enjoying watching Trump put the media into paroxysms of idiocy day after day after day. The checkers-chess analogy works, and Trump is a master player."