Thursday, December 14, 2017
The Liberal Media Goal Always: The Agenda, the Agenda, the Agenda
I suspect he has witnessed the same history as many of us have...
At, Jeffrey Lord reminds us of why we should be skeptical of the liberal media:
"At the moment the demand is for Roy Moore’s head. Beyond that the target is, of course, President Trump. But always, always, always the real reason for all of this coverage is The Agenda, The Agenda and The Agenda. If in fact Franken and Conyers have to be thrown overboard by the media - then over they go.
And for precisely that exact same reason there was absolutely never any intention of throwing Ted Kennedy overboard in the day. When he got too out of hand, he would be chastised in the media like a rambunctious child. But he would be protected, Chappaquiddick and invitations to underage girls or waitress sandwiches be damned.
In other words? First, last and always the liberal media will protect the liberal agenda. If that means covering for Ted Kennedy or the Clintons - they will do it. If it means the reverse - as it does this moment with the dispatching of the just re-elected liberal Al Franken they will do that too."