Wednesday, December 06, 2017
‘Please, God, Don’t Let Me Get Stopped’: Around Atlanta, No Sanctuary for Immigrants
Well, illegal is illegal, and the law is the law. Next question...
In the New York Times, Vivian Yee tells us about Immigration & Customs Enforcement in Atlanta:
"ICE’s Atlanta office made 7,753 arrests across Georgia and the Carolinas from January through June, the most recent period for which data was available. That was more than any other field office except Dallas’s, and an increase of nearly 80 percent over the same period last year.
'If you’re in this country illegally, you should be scared,' said Sean Gallagher, the Atlanta field office director. 'We’re probably going to come knocking at some point.'
ICE officials say that agents do not randomly arrest people, instead targeting immigrants such as Mr. Martinez-Samano. But rumor often outpaces fact. In the suburban neighborhoods where hundreds of thousands of immigrants have made precarious camp, dread of a knock from ICE informs every decision."