Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Fake News Firehose: Science Proves Media Are Not Making 'Honest Mistakes' About Trump
At, John Nolte writes about what some of us already know:
"Therefore, through the use of dispassionate science and math, the only conclusion one can come to when observing the national media’s relentless fire-hosing of fake news is that these are not 'honest mistakes,' but instead deliberate lies — attempts from a biased and partisan media to destroy President Trump through a propagandistic crusade of calculated disinformation.
What allows us to safely come to this conclusion?
Well, what would you think of a scientist who came to you with a coin-flipping experiment that resulted in 0 heads and 100 tails? That is easy, you would know the experiment had been rigged, that he is lying. And you would know this because a 0/100 outcome is impossible without a corrupting influence, without a conscious act of bias."