Saturday, December 09, 2017
Donald Trump's Secret Admirers
Dan Truitt has this as part of his post at
"Watching Trump, I thought of the contrast between him and the svelte, smooth, athletically trim stride of the previous president, you know, the guy who just spent eight years doubling our national debt, setting the Middle East on fire, handcuffing our businesses with excessive regulations, siccing the IRS on his political opponents, and exacerbating racial tensions which had been relaxing on their own for decades and which culminated in his own election, forever putting the lie to the notion that America is an institutionally racist country. I watched Trump, who walked like something out of Gorillas in the Mist, and I laughed. I laughed loudly, knowing that he was about to put the kabosh on some snooty, self-important journalist who is just as clueless as to how to handle the man as he was on that day in the summer of 2015 when he announced his run for president. Man, this guy is fun."