Friday, October 13, 2017
"Maybe Hollywood doesn’t produce great scientists?"
An article by Charles G. Battig's is republished on the WattsUpWithThat website. In it, Mr. Battig writes:
"Promoting fears of man-made climate change has become the side occupation for some of Hollywood’s leading stars. Why should the public care what actor X has to say on the topic? Should they be swayed by what an actor says? A consideration of what acting and movie-making entails provides a hint.
Hollywood can be said to be in the professional business of lying and suspending rational thought. In a sense, actors and directors are professional liars – they work to make seem real a work of fantasy. They work diligently to make you accept what you see on the screen as a reality, although it is an illusion of someone else’s making. Actor X is adjudged a star if he is able to take the words of someone else, the script, and deliver a performance on screen that fools us into believing that that actor is the fictitious character. No original thinking is necessary; the actor is parroting the ideas of someone else."