Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Emails: Obama DOJ Officials Sought to Route 'Slush Fund' Cash to Orgs of Their 'Choosing'
I bet you thought these fines went directly to the U.S Treasury.
I know I did. And it's billions of dollars. Oh my!...
I know I did. And it's billions of dollars. Oh my!...
Joe Schoffstall reports on this in his article posted on FreeBeacon.com:
"The practice in question began in August 2014 when the Justice Department entered into a $17-billion settlement with Bank of America for selling residential mortgage-backed securities leading up to the 2008 financial collapse. Similar arrangements were made with J.P Morgan Chase and Citigroup that brought the total amount to $36.65 billion.
The DOJ settlement program has come under fire by a number of critics who refer to it as a "slush fund" that allows money to be funneled to third-party activist groups."