Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Michelle Malkin | � Defining political child abuse: A tale of two Cruz families
Secondly, those that "use" children to further a cause should be condemned for it...
On her website, Michelle Malkin writes about the issue and how some "uses" are contrived and orchestrated by activist groups:
"Groomed for a year by an outfit called the 'Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition,' Sophie is the ponytailed poster child for amnesty who was literally propped up in front of the pope during a September visit to Washington, D.C. Latino activists brazenly bragged about training the first-grader before the visit and crafting a letter in her name pleading with the Catholic pontiff to help her rescue President Obama’s executive illegal immigrant amnesty program DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents), which was halted under federal court order on May. In The Washington Post, a Harvard University professor praised the kiddie human shield tactics of the amnesty movement after Sophie’s stunt."