Saturday, December 26, 2015
"I can’t blame USA for not letting Muslim family travel to Disney"
It seems to counter to the supposed outrage of refusing this "family" a trip to Disneyland...
The U.K. Daily Mail's Katie Hopkins has much more beginning with this:
"If I had been playing my usual game of ‘spot the terrorist’ at the airport, (beard -5 points, rucksack – 10 points, sandals – 5 points – be honest, you’ve all done it) I’d have been feeling a little anxious.
Without any way of knowing the truth, this is what I’d have been asking myself; where were the mothers of these 9 children? Was it just that the women’s place was in the home? Were they too female to fly? Or were they not needed for this family’s final destination?
So if Homeland Security were suspicious about the fact there were no mothers in the group, who can entirely blame them? And then there’s their address in Waltham Forest, a known hotbed of extremism
Anjem Choudary - Britain's loudest extremist hate speaker - came from Waltham Forest."