Thursday, December 24, 2015
"Facing Investigations, DOJ Claims the Right to Avoid Investigations"
I think this should worry ALL of us, including the liberal, biased media, who don't appear to be reporting about it...
At, Hans von Spakovsky and John-Michael Seibler have gotten together on this story:
"Attorney General Loretta Lynch has no intention of reversing the Justice Department’s defiance of the Inspector General Act. She made that clear during a House Judiciary oversight hearing last month. Indeed, her own Office of Legal Counsel has issued a badly flawed opinion that insists DOJ and FBI officials can, at their discretion, withhold information from the Justice Department’s inspector general -- the individual tasked by Congress with investigating those very same officials.
This is an all too 'transparent' continuation of the administration’s habit of trying to hide what the government is doing from Congress, the public, the media, and those who are supposed to be policing the executive branch."