Tuesday, September 29, 2015
"If you can afford a jet ski and a motorhome, should taxpayers be paying for your food stamps?"
At HotAir.com, Kristina Ribali recently reported on this:
"The use of one particular loophole, Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility, has skyrocketed from just 7 states using it in 2001, rising to 13 by 2007. As of April of this year, 42 states were using this loophole to skirt asset tests. While some of these states retain some form of asset testing when they use BBCE, their asset limits are higher than federal law.
This policy enables people with lots of expensive toys like boats, vacation homes, and RV’s to get Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, or food stamps. The problem is those benefits are intended for the disabled, elderly, the unemployed poor, and our other vulnerable neighbors."