Tuesday, August 04, 2015
"Would you let your 12-year-old daughter sleep in a tent with an 18-year-old boy?"
I have to wonder if the Boy Scouts thought their new policy all the way through, including unintended consequences...
Jack Cashill offers his opinions at AmericanThinker.com:
"Whether gay men have more or less attraction to young adolescents is beside the point. What they do have is more access. Now, in an act of institutional madness, BSA board members are licensing that access. They are putting the gay male in a position in which no one in his right mind would put a straight male. The sane answer to the question, 'Would you let your twelve-year-old daughter sleep in a tent with an eighteen-year-old boy?' is, and always will be, 'Are you nuts?'
What will the leadership tell the parents when the first semi-sanctioned cases of statutory rape come trickling in? More to the point, perhaps, what will the leadership tell the attorneys representing those parents?"