Saturday, August 22, 2015
"We’re facing a crisis of rational thought"
L. Todd Wood recently offer this and more in a Washington Times article:
"What we are seeing today in our society with its anti-police, politically correct focus is a type of cultural Marxism. The root of this belief is that you can do anything you want, no matter the consequences, because society should not hold you accountable personally. If someone tells you otherwise or points out your foolishness, call them a racist and shame them in public. That is the Left’s agenda, freedom from accountability and milking the public coffers, not public safety.
This cultural Marxism is bred in our universities as the liberal, tenured faculty re-educate our youth to believe all this crap. Today’s graduates can’t compete in the job market, but they can sure carry a mattress around all day complaining of victimhood that never happened. The result of these decades of Marxist teaching has led to a generation of young adults who will believe anything they are told. This belief holds regardless of in-your-face evidence to the contrary."