Saturday, August 29, 2015
"Two Days After Reporter's 'Race War' Murders, CNN Returns to Phony Race-Baiting"
As long as that remains true, the media will do what it does...
At, John Nolte is no fan of CNN:
"Less than 48 hours after two young reporters were murdered on live television, New Day, Cuomo, and his co-anchor Alisyn Camerota are right back at it. Almost a full hour of CNN’s failing 'New Day' Friday was devoted to ginning up a phony attack against Republican frontrunner Donald Trump for his innocuous use of the term 'Silent Majority.'
Two days after one of their own committed two murders in an obvious racist rage, the left-wing hate network is right back to fabricating racial division and outrage where absolutely none exists.
According to CNN being 'silent' is now racist."