Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Kirsten Powers: Crush Planned Parenthood
Well, it's my opinion that we are off the rails in many aspects of current life.
Unfortunately, there's seems to be a new one almost every day...
Unfortunately, there's seems to be a new one almost every day...
Kirsten Powers discusses Planned Parenthood and some others, and gives her opinion at USAtoday.com:
"Mississippi abortion doctor Willie Parker — who was lauded by Esquire for his 'abortion ministry' — ran with the trope that direct quotes from a Planned Parenthood doctor constitute a vicious attack, but went a step further: He compared Nucatola to Jesus. 'It's no secret that my frame of reference for the work that I do and in terms of generating compassion is related to my religious understanding and, in particular, my Christian religious understanding,' Parker told Cosmopolitan magazine. 'I'm thinking about a strong parallel between what's happening to my colleague (Nucatola) and the trial week of Jesus before he was crucified (as) he was marched from place to place, asked to answer allegations.'
When abortion doctors are elevated to gods who may not be questioned or held accountable, society has officially gone off the rails."