Wednesday, June 10, 2015
The Age Of Disinformation — Medium
The media's need for viewers, ratings, and advertising dollars has corrupted them.
Every weather event reported borders on cataclysmic, possibly the worst ever.
In spite of reality, the concept of global warming is treated no differently...
Every weather event reported borders on cataclysmic, possibly the worst ever.
In spite of reality, the concept of global warming is treated no differently...
Meteorologist James Spann discusses the media's disservice:
"Back to my point… many professional meteorologists feel like we are fighting a losing battle when it comes to national media and social media hype and disinformation. They will be sure to let you know that weather events they are reporting on are 'unprecedented', there are 'millions and millions in the path', it is caused by a 'monster storm', and “the worst is yet to come” since these events are becoming more “frequent”.
You will never hear about the low tornado count in recent years, the lack of major hurricane landfalls on U.S. coasts over the past 10 years, or the low number of wildfires this year. It doesn’t fit their story. But, never let facts get in the way of a good story…. there will ALWAYS be a heat wave, flood, wildfire, tornado, tyhpoon, cold wave, and snow storm somewhere. And, trust me, they will find them, and it will probably lead their newscasts. But, users beware…"