Saturday, June 13, 2015
"FLASHBACK: ABC's ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water From Climate Change By June 2015"
Just a reminder to NOT believe everything you read.
A second reminder is the media will hype anything to gain viewers/readers...
A second reminder is the media will hype anything to gain viewers/readers...
This post by Scott Whitlock calls attention to this failed story:
"New York City underwater? Gas over $9 a gallon? A carton of milk costs almost $13? Welcome to June 12, 2015. Or at least that was the wildly-inaccurate version of 2015 predicted by ABC News exactly seven years ago. Appearing on Good Morning America in 2008, Bob Woodruff hyped Earth 2100, a special that pushed apocalyptic predictions of the then-futuristic 2015."