Monday, March 02, 2015
"Jezebel Writer Falsely Accuses Walker of Wanting to Stop Reporting of Campus Sexual Assaults"
The reporting to be eliminated is actually "redundant" reporting.
The University of Wisconsin "requested" the law change...
At, Tom Blumer wants us to know the correct story:
"On Friday morning at Jezebel, a Gawker-affiliated web site, Natasha Vargas-Cooper thought she had Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker by the — well, you know.
In a post tellingly tagged 'Conservative Werewolves,' Vargas-Cooper was absolutely sure — so certain that she apparently felt no need to check any further — that Walker's proposed budget would allow its colleges to 'to stop reporting sexual assaults.' Vicious vitriol ensued (bolds are mine throughout this post):"
"The Daily Beast is committed to covering the news fairly and accurately, and we should have checked this story more thoroughly. We deeply regret the error and apologize to Gov. Walker and our readers. This story should be considered retracted.”"