Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Indiana religious freedom act: What's behind the law and the backlash - LA Times
Interestingly, what is now a conservative issue, was once a liberal cause...
In the L.A. Times, Michael Muskal attempts to explain all about it:
"What happened in Indiana?
Gov. Mike Pence, a conservative Republican, last week signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, designed to 'help protect churches, Christian businesses and individuals from those who want to punish them because of their biblical beliefs,' he said. Twenty states have similar laws, though the exact language differs. Sixteen more states are considering passage of some form of the law.
Isn’t there a federal version of the law? How does it differ from the state laws?
Yes. The federal version of the law was signed in 1993 by President Clinton and was considered a liberal response to a conservative Supreme Court ruling in 1990."