Friday, February 20, 2015
The Internet isn't broken. Obama doesn't need to 'fix' it. - Chicago Tribune
Providing access to the Internet in a free market way looks to be in jeopardy.
These two writers are insiders for sure, and they aren't having anything nice to say...
These two writers are insiders for sure, and they aren't having anything nice to say...
Respective FCC and FTC Commissioners Ajit Pai and Joshua Wright express their views in the Chicago Tribune:
"But regulating broadband service like a public utility denies the FTC these powers and denies consumers the protections that come with them. That's because the law makes clear that the FTC doesn't have jurisdiction over 'common carriers,' which is what broadband providers would become under the president's plan.
Why would we want to neuter the FTC when the Internet has flourished under the current regulatory model?
If all of this comes as a surprise, you're not alone. The plan has not been made public. And the FCC has made it clear that it won't be released until after the agency's commissioners vote on it. This is not right. We should have an open, transparent debate about whether the president's plan for Internet regulation is right for America's consumers. In our view, it most certainly is not."