Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Is Federal Spending Too Big to Be Overseen? | Mercatus
On the other hand, it's hard to have any confidence that this is not a tip of an iceberg.
I suspect the "candy store" doors are wide open...
At, Veronique de Rugy and Jason J. Fichtner have compiled some pretty astounding numbers:
"According to the federal government’s latest estimates, government programs for fiscal year 2013 paid out $106 billion 'improperly,' payments, that is, that violated guidelines or rules in some way. Fraud is not the only reason, as the government reports. They can also result from simple clerical errors or a failure to confirm that a recipient was eligible to receive the amount of money that was disbursed. Whether owing to fraud, bureaucracy, or the complexity of program rules, $106 billion is a significant amount of taxpayer funds. Federal spending has grown too massive to be adequately overseen."