Saturday, January 17, 2015
Why Gun-Control Advocates Lie about Guns | National Review Online
Gun-control advocates seem to be less than perfect reporters of facts...
On the National Review website last month, Charles C.W. Cooke took issue with gun-control advocates and this writer in particular:
"Angered by the news that American voters are now more supportive of the Second Amendment than they have been in two decades, the New York Daily News’s Mike Lupica used his weekend column to vent. Over the course of 900 words, Lupica lambasted the public for continuing 'to protect gun nuts,' chided the 'mouth-breathing' NRA for its murderous myopia, and contended emotively that 'there are no words' available to describe the horror of 'a recent poll that says a majority of Americans believe it is more important to protect the right to own guns than it is for the government to limit access to guns.'
And then, having established his moral bona fides for all to see, he tried to sneak a brazen lie past his audience:"