Monday, January 19, 2015
"Evidence discovered that 'ocean acidification' scare may be as fraudulent as 'global warming'"
On the American Thinker website, Thomas Lifson recently posted about this:
"A startling discovery by a graduate student has uncovered what looks like a fraud remarkably parallel to the infamous 'Hockey stick' graph of Michael Mann that purported to show global temperatures skyrocketing when atmospheric CO2 rose, but only did so because 'hide the decline' was the operating principle in selecting data. For those who have not been keeping up with the alarmist follies, alleged ocean acidification has joined and supplemented the rapidly-fading alleged global warming threat as an urgent reason to stop emitting CO2, and hand money and power over to regulators who would control the production of energy, the very basis of modern life.
The theory is that adding atmospheric CO2 leads to the acidification of the world’s oceans, and this profoundly alters the ecosystem, endangering sea life. As Marita Noon of, who first publicized the discovery of the suspected fraud, writes:"