Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Lies Phony Climate Experts Tell
Politicians and special interests must be making a lot of money from this issue. If that's not true, then willful blindless must be the case...
In the Canada Free Press, Alan Caruba wants us to know:
"The fundamental lie is that humans, through their use of fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas, are creating huge amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) which in turn is warming the Earth. You will hear the lies again when the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releases its latest report.
'The report should galvanize the world to take urgent and collective action to curb climate change,' says Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council. 'We’re almost out of time to avoid the worst…'
We have been told this since the 1980s. It is pure fear mongering.
The problem for the phony 'climate experts' is that the Earth has not warmed in the last 19 years and CO2 plays a minimal role in the alleged warming. What you never hear the 'climate experts' tell you is that CO2 is vital to all life on Earth because it is the 'food' that all vegetation depends upon for growth. More CO2 is a very good thing and, in the past, its levels in the atmosphere have been much higher."