Wednesday, November 26, 2014
"Collapsing America"
Strong words from Klaus Rohrich in the Canada Free Press:
"Collapsing America appears to have been the plan of this president all along. Recent news of US Immigration Courts remanding the cases of most of the youngsters that entered America through the southern border, has increased the Courts’ caseloads by tens of thousand of cases and will cost taxpayers billions of dollars, as none of the waifs have or can afford their own lawyers.
All of the worst predictions made about this administration are beginning to come true, including a nuclear Iran, an Islamic Caliphate, a reincarnation of the Soviet Union and a permanent underclass of poverty stricken Americans. Remarkable as it seems, impeachment has been permanently taken off the table because of race.
That’s analogous to having a family member that sexually abuses your children and you don’t want to press charges because he’s family. Don’t say you weren’t warned."