Tuesday, October 21, 2014
"Ted Cruz Schools Candy Crowley on Travel Ban From Hot Zone Ebola Countries"
Senator Ted Cruz doesn't get much favorable commentary from the liberal media. On the other hand, he baffles them with logic when they invite him on their shows...
At NewsBusters.org, P.J. Gladnick takes the time to tell us about this time:
"Candy Crowley should always be prepared to be schooled on her liberal assumptions whenever Senator Ted Cruz is a guest on her State of the Union show as happened today when Crowley parroted the administration line that a travel ban from the Ebola Hot Zone nations of West Africa was both unnecessary as well as harmful. Watch how well Cruz set Crowley's mind on the path to learning that a ban on such travel, not liberal shibboleth talking points, is what is needed to halt the spread of that disease into this country. Cruz follows up with a tasty after dinner mint in the form of a bonus zinger where he entertainingly slam dunks Crowley."