Friday, October 17, 2014
"O'Keefe video: Gay rights leader says Mark Pryor supports gay marriage"
Somehow, even though we know politicians lie, a video showing it is disconcerting.
It's really sad what candidates will do or say to get elected...
It's really sad what candidates will do or say to get elected...
In this U.K. Daily Mail sory by David Martosko we see one more of those cases:
"Pryor spokesman Michael Teague told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette last year that the senator had a 'moral belief that marriage is between a man and a woman,' and believed that homosexuality is a choice and not an inborn trait of biology.
Those positions are now ripe for speculation in the light of Wednesday's video exposé. Bibb, the Democratic activist, confirmed in a follow-up phone call what Pryor had said privately.
Project Veritas Action founder James O'Keefe told MailOnline that in Arkansas, 'key workers, donors, supporters and elected officials have an expectation that their Democratic Senate candidates are lying in order to gain votes and it doesn't bother them one bit.'
'We are talking about a casual disregard for the truth from the grassroots all the way to the top.'"