Monday, September 29, 2014
"Two Videos of American Airstrikes on ISIS That Should Scare Iran"
John Allen Gay explains some of that on the National Interest website:
"US Central Command has released several videos of strikes on ISIS facilities. Two of these videos demonstrate advanced bombing techniques that analysts have noted will be important in an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Writing in International Security in 2007, Whitney Raas and Austin Long dug into the technical side of a possible Israeli strike. Many of Iran’s nuclear facilities, such as the huge centrifuge halls at Natanz, are hardened and buried to make the attacker’s task harder. One bomb—even a 'bunker buster' designed for the task—might not be enough to dig through all the dirt and high-strength concrete. 'One method' for dealing with this, Raas and Long say, 'is to use [laser-guided bombs] targeted on the same aimpoint but separated slightly in release time to ‘burrow’ into the target.' A former Israeli Air Force general said that this method could 'eventually destroy any target.' But hitting the same spot again and again takes extreme precision."