Monday, September 22, 2014
"After 30 Years Of Lies, NY Times Admits 'Assault Weapons Are A Myth'"
Those who are knowledgeable about guns have always known this.
Unfortunately, the disingenuous media chose to promote false information...
Unfortunately, the disingenuous media chose to promote false information...
The New York Times now admits this and Bob Owens wants us to know it. He writes on the website:
"'Assault weapons' is a made-up term, used to scare citizens into thinking that military weapons were commonly being sold and used on the streets of the United States. Thanks to a dishonest and incompetent media, millions of Americans thought (and still think) that machine guns could simply be purchased at the local gun store. The reality that the Hughes Amendment to the Firearm Owners Protection Act outlawed the manufacture of automatic weapons for the civilian market in 1986, was always hushed up."