Thursday, August 21, 2014
"MH 17 versus TWA 800"
See what you think of this...
This is from Hugh McInnish's recent post at
"Now let us flash back to July 17, 1996. That evening, at 8:19, TWA Flight 800, a Boeing 747, was cleared for takeoff at New York’s JFK Airport.
The pilot wheeled the jumbo aircraft into position on Runway 13R, opened his four throttles, accelerated smoothly down the runway, lifted off, and took up a course for Paris.
Twelve minutes later, TWA 800 exploded, the parts raining down in the Atlantic ten miles south of Long Island. The essences of the MH 17 and TWA 800 accidents are identical: a large passenger aircraft is cruising along high above. Observers on the ground watching it see an object rise from the ground and intercept it. An explosive fireball follows. Radar observations are consistent with the reports of the ground observers.
But here the parallel ends. The investigation of TWA 800 required four years,"