Monday, March 24, 2014
"Media wrongly attack Drudge after he admits paying Obamacare penalty"
Obviously, there are still many who have no clue about the Obamacare law.
The media, the White House, and who knows how many other Kool Aid drinkers still probably haven't read the darn thing and are more than willing to fire from the hip, rather than investigate the truth...
The media, the White House, and who knows how many other Kool Aid drinkers still probably haven't read the darn thing and are more than willing to fire from the hip, rather than investigate the truth...
At, Kellan Howell has the story behind this:
"What each critical tweeter and pundit failed to realize was that Mr. Drudge, as the self-employed proprietor of The Drudge Report, files taxes as a small business on a quarterly basis.
The IRS requires self-employed business owners to file annual returns and pay estimated quarterly taxes. When entrepreneurs like Mr. Drudge file their 2014 first quarter taxes, they have to pay the individual health care mandate if they are not getting Obamacare coverage."