Tuesday, March 04, 2014
"CNN: Piers Morgan out – Sarah Brady in"
This article includes the history of name changes gun control groups have gone through in order to mask their true intention.
I think it's pretty interesting...
I think it's pretty interesting...
At DailyCaller.com, the National Rifle Association recently discussed some of their history, failures, and included this paragraph:
"In the piece she wrote for CNN, Mrs. Brady said “a lot has changed over the past two decades, and people who wouldn’t pass a background check have found other ways to procure guns easily through unlicensed sales at gun shows or on the Internet, where background checks are not required.”
Contradicting Mrs. Brady, federal studies show that criminals still tend to get guns like they always have: by stealing them, buying them on the black market, or getting friends and family members who can pass background checks to buy guns for them–reasons why expanding the background check requirement makes no sense from a crime prevention perspective."