Monday, February 10, 2014
Casey Mulligan: The Economist Who Exposed ObamaCare -
Here's an economist who told our elected officals the negative effects that Obamacare would have on the nation's employment.
Unfortunately, he was ignored (perhaps willfully), and here we are...
Unfortunately, he was ignored (perhaps willfully), and here we are...
Joseph Rago recently wrote about it in the Wall Street Journal:
"For his part, Mr. Mulligan declines to take too much credit. 'I'm not an expert in that town, Washington," he says, "but I showed them my work and I know they listened, carefully.'
At a February 2013 hearing he pointed out several discrepancies between the CBO's marginal-tax-rate work and its health-care work, and, he says, 'That couldn't persist forever. There would have to be a time where they would reconcile those two approaches somehow.' More to the point, 'I knew eventually it would be acknowledged that when you pay people for being low income you are going to have more low-income people.'"