Tuesday, February 04, 2014
"Blimplike surveillance craft set to deploy over Maryland..."
As with all pervasive security ideas, there are advocates and detractors...
In a recent Washington Post article, Craig Timberg wrote about them:
"The aerostats planned for Maryland will have radar capable of detecting airborne objects from up to 340 miles away and vehicles on the surface from up to 140 miles away — as far south as Richmond, as far west as Cumberland, Md., and as far north as Staten Island. The Army declined to say what size vehicles can be sensed from those distances.
'If it’s able to track vehicles, that is problematic,' said Jennifer Lynch of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a civil liberties group. 'You could imagine a scenario in which the location information can reveal where you go to church, what doctor you’re going to, whether you’re cheating on your wife, all those types of details. . . . Once a surveillance technology is put up, it’s very tempting for law enforcement or the military to use it for reasons they did not originally disclose.'"