Thursday, February 20, 2014
"...Anger at plan to deny treatment if you've had a 'fair innings'"
If not already, this is a certain future issue...
This is from an article by Jenny Hope and Daniel Martin in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"Patients who have had a ‘fair innings’ could be denied life-saving drugs under proposed health reforms.
The plans would mean experts taking into account whether there is a ‘wider societal benefit’ to giving a patient crucial medicines.
The NHS rationing body, Nice, fears the Department of Health proposals could see younger people deemed a higher priority for drug treatments because they have more years ahead of them – potentially contributing more to the economy – than the elderly.
Doctors, MPs and campaigners last night condemned the plans as ‘barking mad’.
The move will also fuel fears that the elderly are receiving a worse deal from the health service than the young."