Tuesday, September 24, 2013
"Washington’s Obamacare Exemption"
That being said, he makes a very valid point.
Remembering that the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was passed with the admissions that no one had read it, we knew there would inevitably be problems...
At NationalReview.com, Senator David Vitter (R., La.) tells us what's wrong:
"Recently, in a classic case of Washington protecting its own, the Obama administration announced an illegal administrative fix for this provision regarding Congress, in order to take all of the sting out. This special rule, with no basis in the Obamacare statute, would allow members of Congress to keep most or all of their staff members off the exchange entirely. Members of Congress who do decide to go on the exchange would get a huge taxpayer-funded subsidy (about $5,000 for single workers or about $10,000 for families) unavailable to all other Americans at the same income levels going on the exchange. This creates a special Obamacare exemption for members of Congress and congressional staff."