Wednesday, September 04, 2013
"If you see something, say nothing"
I understand that we should never rush to judgement, BUT, the constant reluctance to label this issue correctly is just plain wrong...
Some time ago, I saw this in an article by Andrew C. McCarthy at New
"It was a report of the now numbingly familiar sort. Witnesses at the synagogue in Paris recounted that an Iranian immigrant had been screaming 'Allahu Akbar!' while he chased the rabbi and his son. When he finally caught up, he slashed away at them with a box-cutter, causing severe lacerations. Nevertheless, the Associated Press assured readers that '[a]n official investigation was underway to determine a possible motive.' Quite a mystery, that.
It is necessary to search for some 'possible' motive because to notice the actual and perfectly obvious motive is verboten in the judgment of both the legacy media and Western governments."