Wednesday, August 21, 2013
"Sarah Palin Was Right About ‘Hope And Change’"
Better late than never doesn't work for me here.
All those who were snookered are responsible for what we now have... begin their story with this:
"First Howard Dean and now Noam Chomsky agreeing with Sarah Palin? In an interview with Democracy Now, the influential MIT linguistics professor, author, and prominent left-wing political activist admitted that Sarah Palin was right about Barack Obama in that there was no substance to his presidential campaign.
Palin also recently received validation from former Gov. Howard Dean, a prominent liberal Democrat, about what she termed Obamacare death panels, otherwise known as the Independent Payment Advisory Board.
In these latest comments about the president, Chomsky said that 'I don’t usually admire Sarah Palin, but when she was making fun of this ‘hopey changey stuff,’ she was right; there was nothing there.'"