Tuesday, August 06, 2013
Global Cooling
Yes, global cooling.
You're likely not hearing about it because it conflicts with the highly promoted and media publicized scare tactics about global warming.
The articles, studies, satellite pictures, etc., that rebut the "conventional wisdom" of global warming are selectively ignored by most of the world's media.
This website compiles those rebuttals...
You're likely not hearing about it because it conflicts with the highly promoted and media publicized scare tactics about global warming.
The articles, studies, satellite pictures, etc., that rebut the "conventional wisdom" of global warming are selectively ignored by most of the world's media.
This website compiles those rebuttals...
Here is a sampling of recent articles posted at ClimateDepot.com:
"NASA finally admits it Arctic cyclone in August ‘broke up’ and ‘wreaked havoc’ on sea ice — Reuters reports Arctic storm played ‘key role’ in ice reduction
Arctic Sea Ice Melt Slowdown Begins More Than One Month Early – And Absolute Dead Media Silence On Expanding Antarctica Sea Ice!
Tornadoes Close To Record Low Level: ‘July are one of the lowest on record, according to NOAA’s Storm Prediction Centre’
Growing Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Breaking All Records
North Pole Sees Unprecedented July Cold – Arctic Sees Shortest Summer On Record — ‘Normally the high Arctic has about 90 days above freezing. This year there was less than half that’
If warmth really causes murder, why is Detroit’s murder rate maybe 30 times higher than a warmer place like Scottsdale?"