Friday, June 28, 2013
"VA disability claims for sleep apnea skyrocket to over $1.2 billion per year"
That being said, something definitely seems wrong here...
At, Caroline May recently posted about it:
"In a letter to Miller, first reported by Philpott in Stars and Stripes, Webster explained that as a family lawyer in a military-heavy community, he is seeing first hand 'a very disturbing trend' of “widespread abuse of VA disability claims based upon a single ‘disability’ known as sleep apnea,' (emphasis, Webster’s). 'Virtually every single family law case which I have handled involving military members during the past three years has had the military retiree receiving a VA ‘disability’ based upon sleep apnea,' he wrote, in the letter dated May 6. 'A recently-retired colonel has told me that military members approaching retirement are actually briefed that if they claim VA disability based upon sleep apnea, then they will receive an automatic 50 percent disability rating thereby qualifying for ‘concurrent’ payment status,” he added. According to Webster, none of the sleep apnea compensation recipients he has seen have been disabled at all and most work full time — including retired Air Force pilots that pass flight physicals after retirement in order to get flying jobs. 'But this is just the tip of the iceberg,' Webster told TheDC in a phone interview Monday."