Wednesday, June 19, 2013
"Chasing (the Next) Reagan"
Recently, at, Steve Deace thoughtfully explains where Republicans might be going wrong:
"Since Reagan left the national stage, we haven’t had a candidate for national office (who didn’t have personal baggage) that possessed Reagan’s comprehensive worldview. What we’ve had instead are a host of candidates who have moral authority on some conservative causes but not others, hence we splinter. Often that splintering is on the basis of which of those conservative causes represent our highest priorities. For example, staunch pro-lifers support the most pro-life candidate regardless of where they stand on limited government, limited government advocates support the best small government person regardless of where they stand on social issues, and those concerned about eroding civil liberties support the candidate best on their issues regardless of where they stand on foreign policy. And so on and so on.
Then we spend the primary cycle calling one another names like 'pro-life statist,' 'RINO,' or 'godless libertarian' because we’re angry our fellow grassroots patriots don’t have the same priorities we do, so that must mean they hate America every bit as much as the Left does. I admit I’ve been as guilty of this at times as anybody else has. Meanwhile, the feckless GOP establishment laughs all the way to the nomination (and usually another general election loss)."